Veterinary health products: an overview

Veterinary health products are low-risk products used to maintain or promote the health and wellness of pets and livestock. They may contain vitamins, minerals or natural ingredients used in traditional medicine. While the sale and use of such products are not as strictly regulated by Health Canada as veterinary drugs, you should still contact your veterinary clinic before administering any to your pet. Here are a few reasons why.

Veterinary health products serve a specific purpose.

In a drugstore, natural health products are often labelled according to their expected benefits, such as St. John’s wort to alleviate anxiety symptoms, melatonin to improve sleep quality and probiotics to support digestive health. Similarly, veterinary health products fill a specific purpose. “In dogs and cats, veterinary health products are commonly used to support the health and function of the joints, skin and coat, and internal organs such as the liver or kidneys,” says Dr. Sarah Champagne, Technical Veterinarian for Vetoquinol.

Your veterinarian may recommend a specific veterinary health product to help your pet manage a minor health condition or behavioural challenge. For example alpha-casozepine, found in some veterinary health products, can be used to help decrease stress associated with the fear of loud noises and to increase a pet’s receptivity to behaviour-modification training.

Never feed your pet natural health products designed for humans.

Some ingredients used in veterinary health products may be the same as those found in natural health products in drugstores. However, this doesn’t make human and veterinary products interchangeable. “Natural health products designed for humans may contain an ingredient in a quantity that is inappropriate for a pet,” says Dr. Sarah Champagne. “This could result in an upset stomach, or a more serious toxicity depending on the product, and amount consumed, as well as the pet’s species, weight and existing health conditions.”

Veterinary health products are formulated and sized for animal patients. Each product’s packaging provides instructions on how much should be given and how frequently. Such products may also be easier to feed your dog or cat by having an appealing taste, a more appropriate shape or a chewable texture.

You should always check if a veterinary health product is considered safe.

Many veterinary health products can be ordered online but it’s not always easy to know exactly what you’re buying. Health Canada’s Notification Program provides a regulatory framework to help you make sure that a product has a history of safe use in our country. Look for products with a notification number (NN) in their online description or on their label. “A veterinary health product with a notification number meets the requirements set by Health Canada with respect to the actual content of the active ingredients and good manufacturing practices, as well as meeting Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations labelling standards,” says Dr. Audrey Davies, Technical Veterinarian for Vetoquinol.

Let your veterinarian know

Contact your veterinary clinic for advice before giving your pet any veterinary health product, and let your veterinarian know once you start. Some products may cause mild side effects, influence your pet’s behaviour or interact negatively with prescribed medication.